IceRiver KS3L upgrade firmware_20230916 冰河KS3L升级固件_20230916
Download points: 10
2023-09-20 02:56


1.Improve the web interface for better user experience.

2.Fixing some known issues.

Please note:

1.Strictly follow the model-specific upgrades: Firmware upgrades should only be applied to the corresponding machine model. Customers will be responsible for any consequences resulting from upgrading with incompatible firmware.

2.Download official firmware: Please make sure to download firmware from our official website and do not use firmware from unofficial sources. Customers will be liable for any consequences resulting from using unofficially provided firmware.

3.Follow the user manual: Please carefully read and follow the instructions provided in our user manual for firmware upgrades to ensure correct operations.

4.Incremental upgrades: If you have multiple machines, it is recommended to first upgrade one of them and observe if the machine runs stably after the upgrade. Only proceed to upgrade other machines once stability is confirmed to reduce potential risks.

5.If the machine experiences any abnormalities during the upgrade process, please restore it to factory settings.

6.This firmware version is a beta test version. If any abnormal conditions occur after the upgrade, please promptly contact us through the official website support ticket.

7.After downloading the firmware, please unzip it and verify that the MD5 checksum is correct before proceeding with the upgrade. The upgraded package, after extraction, will have the file extension “.bgz.”

8.If the machine is functioning normally, it is not recommended to upgrade to a new firmware version.





1. 严格按照机型升级:固件只能升级对应的机型。如果由于升级不对应的固件造成的后果,将由客户承担。

2. 下载官方固件:请务必在我们官方网站下载固件,不要使用非官方来源发送给您的固件。如果使用非官方提供的固件造成的后果,将由客户承担。

3. 遵循操作手册:请仔细阅读并按照我们提供的操作手册中的指示来进行固件升级,确保操作正确。

4. 逐步升级:如果您有多台机器,建议先升级其中一台,并观察升级后机器是否稳定运行。只有在确认稳定后再升级其他机器,以降低潜在风险。

5. 如果升级过程中机器出现异常,请恢复出厂设置。

6. 此固件版本为beta测试版,如升级后有任何异常状况,请及时通过官网support ticket与我们取得联系。

7. 下载固件后,请先解压、校验MD5无误后,再进行升级。解压后升级包后缀名为“.bgz”。

8. 如果机器工作正常,不建议升级新固件。

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