Antminer T17 Refit Heat Sink Tool Kit

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Price : $230
MOQ : 1 pcs
Weight : 3 KG
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Product description:

Bitcoin Miner Antminer T17 Hash Board Refit Heatsink Kit 

In order to make the Antminer T17 hash board get a more stable hash rate, more stable operation, and mine more bitcoins. When your T17 hash board heat sink appears to fall off, using the refit heat sink kit to install the upgraded heat sink on the T17 hash board can effectively solve these problems.

The replacement standard kit for the Antminer T17 hash board upgrade cooler includes:

De-tin stencil, thermal paste stencil, hash board frame, nut tin tool, and tin scraper.

Using the tool kit to replace the radiator, you can easily and conveniently complete the standard operation process of modifying the radiator, improve the success rate, and reduce the loss of replacing and upgrading the radiator, so that the Antminer T17 can be better sold and shipped.

We can support express shipping, including DHL, Fedex, TNT, UPS, EMS, etc. At the same time, we also cooperate with professional shipping companies. It can provide door-to-door shipping with customs duties. If you haven't imported before, we can help you out. Looking forward to your cooperation
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