2024-04-08 23:35

I purchased the Lucky Miner LV06 and immediately encountered a situation: When the router to which the device is connected reboots. It no longer connects to the wi-fi network, after router rebooted. This is very bad, cause wi-fi router rebooted everyday. Lucky miner can't work autonomous in this situation. May be next firmware fix that problem?

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I have the same problem at my LV07, the LV07 also not reconnect automatic to the Wifi?


Dear Tera, I got your comments. Yes, by now, the Luckyminer cannot connect to your home WiFi automatically after the WiFi reboot. The engineer has recognized this issue and is thinking about a solution.


Easy solution: Add timer for staying in the configuration mode 5 or 10 minutes, than reboot. Something like this...


Another words:

 Then my WiFi router rebooted, LV06 go to configuration mode and stay in this mode without trying to reconnect to WiFi, while WiFi restored after 1 minute. I know, i can reboot my lv06 manually, but this is not possible in my case. I want fully autonomy mode without my attention. 

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